Sunday, April 16, 2006

Disturbing Video

I recently found this video on the internet. It is disturbing to say the least and while I know it represents a minority of the hispanic population here in the border states, it is worth noting that there are elements who have bigger goals than illegal immigration. The video highlights some of our esteemed officials here in California playing race politics as usual. It is such a tragedy to hear such words and having served in the Marine Corps with Americans from all racial groups, including hispanics, I find it terrible that officials whose job it is to protect and serve our nation can utter such subversive remarks without consequence. Watch and pass this on to your friends. It is a disturbing reminder that everything you see is what you get.

We are a nation of immigrants!"The phrase commonly stated when debating the pros and cons of today immigration. While for some, it conjures up the image of a diverse population, all of which came at some point thru Ellis Island or over our borders. Though many of American's ancestors did arrive on our shores in this manner, in reality it is half true.

According to
Dr. Samuel P. Huntington, half of America's current population can be traced to the original waves of settlers from the British Islands. That is to say, 50% of today's population can be traced to the settlers who came to America during the 18th century. Rarely will people raise this issue, instead they will focus on the near religous-belief in this nation as diaspora of displaced people who from throughout the world leave their homeland and past behind in hope of building a new future in this country.

America is nation who
needs immigrants. In the past, massive waves of newcomers would peak and then subside in response government emplaced limitations and quotas. These legislative actions were always created in response to our citizen's demands.

Today is different, the prolong and unabated wave of immigrants from South America has created a
political block and economic dependency which this nation cannot easily ignore nor stop.Both political parties, with the backing of the business community know they cannot alienate this growing political and economic force.

If this nation cannot maintain a responsible immigration policy, we will become as many trumpet today, a nation of immigrants.

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